Saturday, January 22, 2005

Free Yarn

I stopped by Acorn Street to pick up some DPNs. why is it I seem to need another set of needles every time I start a new project? I also bought a skein of the most beautiful Lorna's Laces superwash worsted wool, I have no idea what I will be making with it but I just had to have it. I had a full punch card so it was like getting the yarn for free.

Friday, January 21, 2005


The new Spring Ottobre arrived in my mailbox yesterday. I haven't been able to keep up with the Ottobre list lately so I didn't know they were on the way, what a great surprise! I really like many on the designs, unfortunately many that I like are not in sizes that will fit my kiddo's, maybe I have to haveanother one . . . lol. I will definately be making #18&19 (tunic and underdress), #29 (cross-front t-shirt), #21 (coat) and I will prolly end up making #13 (knit terry blouse), #15/16 (plaid blouse) &#17 (wide leg pants). I'm thinking of making a couple of dresses with the cross-front t-shirt, one with the shirt cropped and a gathered skirt (or maybe an A-line skirt like the dresses I made for her last year) and I was thinking of making another one by just lengthening the t-shirt to dress length . . . gotta get more tracing paper tonight as I used up my roll on the last issue.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005


I'm trying to use up some of my stash, so I started with all the cotton. This means I've made a whole bunch of dish and face cloths. I became tired of the dish cloths so I knitted up a couple of roll brim baby hats. I know, not the most creative knitting, but I really think my knitting speed has increased quite a bit and I'm getting pretty good at wrangling the dpns. I figure the dish cloths can be used as hostess gifts and baby hats are always handy to have on hand, seems like there is always someone having a baby at Hubby's work. Last night I started another pair of socks for Bug. The yarn is from my stash, Plymouth Encore DK in pink/gray. I originally bought it to make a pair of socks for myself but figured Bug would like another pair of Mama-made socks. Now that I'm 60% done with the first sock I wish I had made them for myself. Oh, well. I do have some Lorna's Laces sock yarn that I can't wait to make up for me, the only thing holding me back is the thought of those tiny dpns. *shudder*

Monday, January 10, 2005


Did some assembly line sewing on Bug's pajamas, I did all the gathering and put together the yokes on two pair of pj's and one nightgown. Also attached the front and back on two of them. I need to get out the serger so I can finish the seams, flannel can ravel like crazy.

Sunday, January 09, 2005


Today was Bug's 5th birthday party. I finished her party dress about 11:20, jumped into the shower and got ready so we could be at the resturant at noon. Good thing I didn't wait till the last minute to finish her dress. *vbg* I hate it when I do that, but I do it too often. Bug received many complements on the dress at the party and no one even noticed that I had pinned her into it, buttons and buttonholes are overrated.

Her dress is a basic high yoke, puffed sleeves and square collar from Heirloom Sewing for Jack & Jill by Martha Pullen.


Friday, January 07, 2005


My folks came by and picked up the kids and took them for the afternoon. I couldn't believe how quiet the house was, it was astonishing.

I went thru the flannel I had pulled out of my stash and found a few pieces of sufficient yardage to use for pajamas and nightgowns. I cut out two pajama tops, two pair of pajama pants, and two nightgowns (one each from two different patterns). I also cut out three dresses for her from my stash.

Thursday, January 06, 2005


Cut out Bug's coat using fleece from my stash. I had planned on using some orange Maldin Mills fleece and a cute bug print fleece (pink background with oranges and yellows in it) I even had some perfect butterfly toggles to go with it. I went to lay out the pattern and I was short about 1/4 yard, all that stash and I don't have enough fleece. I went thru the rest of my fleece stash and found another piece I could use, it's not MM and won't hold up as nicely but it will work for this winter and maybe even next fall. I will line the coat with some MM micro fleece from my stash also.

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Happy New Year!

2004 wasn't too good for keeping resolutions. So I'm gonna try again this year. 1. Sew more fabric than I buy each month. (guess I should add knit more yarn than I buy, too) 2. Sew (at least) one garment for me each month. 3. If (when) I'm sitting in front of the TV I will be doing some kind of hand work; knitting (most likely), embroidery, hand hemming, etc. This one isn't so much a resolution as a statement of intent. 1.If holiday gifts are not done by Dec 1st, I will not be making them.

knit-a-longs - 2005

Oct 1st - 31st finished 3 pair: lacey hearts, halloween socks, halloween socks v2.0
joined Nov '05 planning: Hermione Hat & Mittens for me slytherin scarf for Hubby
Nov 21st - Dec 16th Finished one hat and started another by the deadline. have had requests for 2 more
- Dec 31st
joined July '05 June - Chutes & Ladders: started while on vacation, never finished August - Amble: beautiful sock, bought yarn October - Mosiac: bought yarn, chickened out =( Dec - Shadow of Love I love this pattern and I even bought yarn for it from knitpicks, but I am having reservations about making it for myself. This on may not get done.

Oct 24th - ? knit one mitten for Daughter, still need to knit up the other one planning Hermione Mittens for me, and handwarmers

Dec - shell sock p60

SocknittersSAM joined June '05

aug/sept interSAM: Basketcase beginnerSAM: CIC socks

oct/nov beginnerSAM: Lacey Hearts inspirationSAM: halloween socks & halloween socks v2.0

no new patterns for December