sewing blogs?
Since I have been contemplating starting to do some sewing again, the kids keep growing (darn them), I thought I would take a look at some sewing blogs to see what people were sewing these days. Ummm, one problem, no sewing blogs. Ok, that's not true, I found a handful, but in the knitting world there are thousands of them out there.
Am I just looking in the wrong places or have blogs just not taken off in the sewing world like they have in the knitting world?
I've run into the same problem. Soo many knitters and very few sewers. Knitting is portable-could this be a major reason??
If you do find some good sewers out there let me know!! I sew and knit with equal passion, so I'm always looking for inspiration.
I found the same thing when I first started looking for stitching blogs, but I have found a few. Have you tried searching under just craft blogs? Sometimes people combine stuff--just like you:) Just passing through on my weekly Stashalong check.
I think it's more common to combine sewing with other things in a blog - SuperEggplant comes to mind immediately. I'm not sure why it isn't often the main focus.
Now I'm inspired to sew more. It's been far too long in between projects!
if you want to see what Germans sew look in my blog.
And there are many other links to other sewblogs.
I love to sew, especially children's clothing and am always on the look out for other sewers. I post alot of sewing items on my blog and have a few links to other sewing blogs I like. If you get a chance, come by to visit.
You're right-there aren't many out there, but I have mangaged to find a few. I first found some blogs by googling author names of sewing books I have. From there, I have found many more. I have a few links posted on my blog too if you are interested.
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