Friday, December 30, 2005

sewing goals

Since it looks like I have sewing on the horizon, and I have been thinking about my knitting goals for 2006, I figured I should make some sewing goals for 2006 also.
Sewing Goals for 2006
  • Clean/organize my sewing room so I can actually sew in there. *gasp*
  • Reduce my fabric stash by half. (sew it or sell it)
  • Sew one thing for me each month.
  • Use my embroidery machine (lots) or sell it.

That's all for now, but I may be adding more later. Looks like 2006 is going to be the "use it or lose it year".


Blogger Kathy said...

Your sewing goals are remarkably similar to mine this year, though I don't have an embroidery machine (the serger gets it's own goal). I'm reducing my stash as well in preparation for moving. Hopefully someone can use yards and yards of Polartec :-P.

12/31/2005 12:05:00 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

I like your sewing goals! If I were to reduce my stash by half I would need to sewing more than one item per month, though!
It's great to see another seamstress out there.
I hope to get more sewing done once I get my sewing area set up.
I look forward to stopping by your blog and seeing your sewing projects!

1/03/2006 08:50:00 AM  

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