monday update - holiday edition
7 of 10 done . . . unless more get added to the list.
to be shipped out of town:
1 felted bags(done)
1 felted bag (done)
1 Esther Williams hat (ew KAL)
1 set of 4 dish cloths (done) NEW
1 set of 4 dish cloths (done) NEW
local delivery:
1 felted bag for Mom (done)
1 Esther Williams hat (ew KAL) (done)
1 Cherry Garcia cabled neck tube neckwarmer (done 12/15)
1 Cherry Garcia cabled neck tube neckwarmer (done 12/15)
1 Kitty Pi for nephew's new kitten (done) and 2 felted catnip mice (done)
Ok, the dish cloths are kind of a cheat . . . I knit up a bunch this summer and had put them away and forgot about them, until I was going thru some of my stash and there they were . . . instant holiday gifts.

Pat yourself on the back - you're just about done!
I'm impressed, you're getting everything done. Santa's elves have wrapped all of our gifts and we're ready to go, but those mice you knit are too cute. We have two cats and they have a little something for their stockings, but then again, maybe I need to make those, too.
Woah. Do you want to start my holiday knitting next?! ;)
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