knit-a-longs - 2005
Nov 21st - Dec 16th
Finished one hat and started another by the deadline.
have had requests for 2 more
joined July '05
June - Chutes & Ladders: started while on vacation, never finished
August - Amble: beautiful sock, bought yarn
October - Mosiac: bought yarn, chickened out =(
Dec - Shadow of Love
I love this pattern and I even bought yarn for it from knitpicks, but I am having reservations about making it for myself. This on may not get done.

Oct 24th - ?
knit one mitten for Daughter, still need to knit up the other one
planning Hermione Mittens for me, and handwarmers
SocknittersSAM joined June '05
aug/sept interSAM: Basketcase beginnerSAM: CIC socks
oct/nov beginnerSAM: Lacey Hearts inspirationSAM: halloween socks & halloween socks v2.0
no new patterns for December
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