i'm in love!
I have spent a large a large portion of the day (and a few hours yesterday evening) cleaning and de-cluttering the sewing/craft/computer room while listening to various (bad) TV shows. While taking a break I hopped over to The Blue Blog where Alison was extolling the virtues of her new iPod and talking of these wonderful new fangled things called pod casts.
Holey Moley, where have I been?!?! I have spent most of the evening continuing to de-clutter while listening to Cast-on, I am hooked. I took a look thru the skins on my media player and found a cute one that made me laugh. (note what's playing)

Funny, I'm getting the strangest urge to start listing to Cast-On...
Too funny. I read the blue blog and started listening to Cast-On as well. I loved listening to Yarn Harlot-I find her writing amazingly funny.
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