Saturday, January 22, 2005
Friday, January 21, 2005
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Monday, January 10, 2005
Did some assembly line sewing on Bug's pajamas, I did all the gathering and put together the yokes on two pair of pj's and one nightgown. Also attached the front and back on two of them. I need to get out the serger so I can finish the seams, flannel can ravel like crazy.
Sunday, January 09, 2005
Today was Bug's 5th birthday party. I finished her party dress about 11:20, jumped into the shower and got ready so we could be at the resturant at noon. Good thing I didn't wait till the last minute to finish her dress. *vbg* I hate it when I do that, but I do it too often. Bug received many complements on the dress at the party and no one even noticed that I had pinned her into it, buttons and buttonholes are overrated.
Her dress is a basic high yoke, puffed sleeves and square collar from Heirloom Sewing for Jack & Jill by Martha Pullen.
Friday, January 07, 2005
My folks came by and picked up the kids and took them for the afternoon. I couldn't believe how quiet the house was, it was astonishing.
I went thru the flannel I had pulled out of my stash and found a few pieces of sufficient yardage to use for pajamas and nightgowns. I cut out two pajama tops, two pair of pajama pants, and two nightgowns (one each from two different patterns). I also cut out three dresses for her from my stash.
Thursday, January 06, 2005
Cut out Bug's coat using fleece from my stash. I had planned on using some orange Maldin Mills fleece and a cute bug print fleece (pink background with oranges and yellows in it) I even had some perfect butterfly toggles to go with it. I went to lay out the pattern and I was short about 1/4 yard, all that stash and I don't have enough fleece. I went thru the rest of my fleece stash and found another piece I could use, it's not MM and won't hold up as nicely but it will work for this winter and maybe even next fall. I will line the coat with some MM micro fleece from my stash also.
Saturday, January 01, 2005
Happy New Year!
knit-a-longs - 2005

Oct 24th - ?
knit one mitten for Daughter, still need to knit up the other one
planning Hermione Mittens for me, and handwarmers
SocknittersSAM joined June '05
aug/sept interSAM: Basketcase beginnerSAM: CIC socks
oct/nov beginnerSAM: Lacey Hearts inspirationSAM: halloween socks & halloween socks v2.0
no new patterns for December