Saturday, December 25, 2004
Oh my goodness!! I have to figure out how to make some of these!! Hubby's brother has been put on a restricted diet since he had a mild heart attack last month. He wife commented on how much he "loves the pastries", think I might have to send him a half-dozen or so.
Mmmm, donuts | Ten Years of My Life
Family Life
While I am sitting here surfing my Hubby just put in Prince of Egypt for the kids to watch . . . Bubba is singing along (quite loudly and a bit off key) with the intro music . . . LOL.
Friday, December 24, 2004
I need to get working on my daughter's birthday gift. I'm going to sew her a new wardrobe, or at least that is the intention. I have a big box I intend to fill with a new coat, nightgowns, a dress or two, pants, skirts, and tops. I have all the fabric . . . and more . . . my Ottobre magazines and my pattern stash, now I just need the motivation. At the very least I want to finish the coat and nightgowns as she need both quite badly. I think I will add a couple of growth tucks on the nightgowns, she always outgrows them in length befor she ever outgrows them in width or they wear out.
She will also be getting her very own knitting supplies and I need to make a bag for her to keep them in. I'm just going to make her a simple bag, similar to the one in Kids Knitting.
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
I finally dug out the sewing machine and did a bit of sewing last night, after I found the bobbin case that my son hid in the dining room. I did a bit of paper piecing for a small wall quilt I'm making as a gift for a friend, unfortunately it will be late but I think she will understand. I will post a picture as soon as it is finished.
Monday, December 20, 2004
I've been using up some of my stash cotton (LB kitchen cotton, sugar & cream, peaches & cream) and making up a bunch of wash cloths and smaller face cloths. I have about 6 wash and 2 face cloths finished at this point, I'm just going to stash most of them away to have on hand for small gifts, like hostess gifts, in the comming year. I'm really enjoying them because they are pretty mindless at this point, I can sit and veg out in front of the TV and still get some knitting done.
I do need to get started on the hats for the kids, but not until the New Year I think.
I found this booklet on making a wooden tabletop swift at The Woolery.
Family Life
Yesterday afternoon we all went out to see The Incredibles. I really enjoyed the movie, but I think it was a mistake to take the kids. I was thinking PG like Shrek, mostly for the adult humor, but it was more PG for cartoon violence, gun battles, people being blown up, etc. At one point Hubby took our daughter to the bathroom and she didn't want to come back in, so he convinced her to sit in the back with him and see the 'good guys win'. I'm usually really careful about what the kids watch, I guess I just wasn't thinking.
After the movie we went to dinner at Applebee's and used some of the gift certificates Hubby won at the company holiday party.
Sunday, December 12, 2004
We went to a holiday party today and I worked some more on my son's neck down pullover. We had to drive about an hour each way so I was able to get quite a bit done. I think I do much better as a passenger in the car when I'm knitting. I seem to have some real control issues when it comes to riding in the car. I think they are from the car accent I was involved in when I was in high school and the car I was a passenger in flipped over.
The party was nice and the kids had a good time playing with the other kids at the party. On the way home we stopped at Ikea and picked up a few little things, including a basket I am going to make a liner for so that my daughter can keep her knitting supplies in it.
Friday, December 10, 2004
Last night I went out and bought a new deep purple top to wear to hubby's workplace holiday party. I didn't really have any accessories to wear with it so I stopped at JoAnn's (LYS was already closed) and picked up 2 skeins of Pattons Allure and of Sensations Willow (an exclusive yarn brand only sold at JA). I started a scarf using a strand of each but half way thru the first skein realized it was too much, so I ripped it out and restared with just the skein of Willow (a ribbon yarn). I bound off the scarf tonight as we pulled up to the party. I really like how it turned out and my mom wants me to make one for a friend of hers, but not till after the holidays. The party was a lot of fun and DH won $100 in gift certificates to a local resturant.
Thursday, December 09, 2004
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
Last night I started the Handpaint Hat. Talk about an ordeal . . .
I started the hat using three strands of Cascade 220 and then switched to the Yukon as indicated in the pattern. About six rounds into the Yukon I realized that because although it is bulky it does not have the texture of the Point 5 recommended in the pattern and the garter stitch does not look right. I also realized the thee strands of Cascade 220 wasn't quite bulky enough. I ripped out the whole thing and started over.
Four strands of Cascade 220 ended up being perfect and the stockinette stitch looks much better IMO. I'm about 40% done with the hat and I think I'll be able to finish it tonight.
Yup, I finished it! Here is a pic with Bug modeling it.
You can't see it in this pic, but the top of the hat is the same color as the roll brim.
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
Sunday, December 05, 2004
Family Life
I finally bit the bullet and went and got my hair cut. Hubby gave me a gift card to a shee-shee salon last Valentine's Day and I finally used it. My hair was down to my mid back this morning now it barely reaches my chin in the front and the back is much shorter. I really like it, but then again it is just hair and it would grow back if I didn't. The stylist put my hair into a ponytail and cut it off so my hair could be donated to Locks of Love at my request. Hubby was not very happy about me going to get my hair cut but he really liked it when I got home.
I finally broke down and bought a new copy of Knit Hats! which guarantees I will find it in the next hour. I also picked up two sets of circular needle to knit my son's hat. It seems with all the needles I have I shouldn't need to get any more, but it seems like every new pattern I start I need a differnt size of needles. I need to sew up a needle case or two, one for straight needles, one for circulars and one for double points, I guess that's three.
I'm also going to be making another pattern from Knit Hats!, Handpaint Hat. I chose a skein of Plymouth Yarns Yukon Print (I just couldn't justify the cost of the Point 5 right now) and a skein of Cascade 220 (it coordinates amazingly well but I'll have to use multiple strands)
I am getting together a little learn to knit knit for my daughter, so I picked up a very cute Inox knitting knody (looks like a little girl) and some bamboo knitting needles for her. I'm not sure if I will give the kit to her for Hanukkah or for her b'day (Jan 5th).
My Hubby is a big fan of Wallace & Gromit so when I saw a copy of Feng Shaun at the yarn shop I had to pick it up for him. Ok, maybe a little bit for me too. *vbg*
I just signed up for a "1st Sweater Knitalong" over at Knitting Solo. I am already in the middle of my first sweater, a pullover for my son. I also want to knit a cardi for my daughter, and that will be my first cardi.
Friday, December 03, 2004
Thursday, December 02, 2004
I went to the LYS and bought some Cascade 220 for a hat for my son then when I got home I couldn't find my copy of Knit Hats! I have looked all over the house and can't find it!! It is driving me crazy, I wanted to make the 'Hat 3 Ways' with the ear flaps and attempt some simple faire isle. grrrrrrrr
If anyone knows where I put it, please, let me know. *vbg*
What kind of yarn are you?

You are a warm and fuzzy type who works well with
others, doing your share without being too
weighty. You can be stubborn and absolutely
refuse to change your position once it is set,
but that's okay since you are good at covering
up your mistakes.
What kind of yarn are you?
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