Fiber Gallery
Yesterday I was reading on Mason-Dixon Knitting about the Perfect Sweater Project and how Jessica had gotten her bosses at The Fiber Gallery to discount the Cascade 220 for the Perfect Sweater, then I realized that The Fiber Gallery is in Seattle. So, today, I hopped onto I-5, dropped the kiddos off at Grammy and Grampy's house and headed on over.
It is a very nice shop, when you walk in is smells of . . . potpourri(?) which I came to find was from the locally made soaps they sell (I bought a lavender soap, mmmm), the woman who was working was very friendly and said that quite a few people had come in in the last week after reading about the shop on Mason-Dixon. They stocked quite a few yarns I had never seen (or don't remember seeing) before, but I was there on a mission . . . Cascade 220 for felted bags. After the last felting episode, I decided to go back to what I know and use the Cascade 220 with the Noro I already have, like Mom's bag. I picked up 4 skeins of Cascade 220 and a card of sock reinforcing yarn (along with soap mentioned above).
I took a browse thru the patterns, they had a 'plus size' folder, and found a pattern company I had never seen before, online or in real life, Vermont Fiber Designs. Where have they been all my life? They size most of their patterns from XS to 6X! I picked up The Cable and Rib Cardigan #129 and The Cable and Rib Turtleneck #119. While surfing their site tonight I also found several more I want but didn't see at the shop. I will have to wait until I finish my holiday knitting to start either of these . . . but . . . oh boy!
As I was checking out the woman asked if I would like for her to wind the skeins, I said no, that I has a swift and ball winder at home and I would just do it later. She smiled and said that I seemed like the type but she thought she would ask anyway. What does this mean? This is the second time this has happened recently . . . do I have OCK* tattooed on my forehead? This makes me laugh and worry at the same time, am I totally out of control? Nah, that couldn't be it.
*obsessive compulsive knitter

Ooooh, lovely yarn there!
You can never have enough Cascade 220!
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